Category Archives: Personal

“So, I Planned a Trip. . . “

Last month I wrote about a minor emotional breakdown I experienced when I began writing down Charlie’s new soccer schedule and saw, in black and white, the way our lives would change with junior high. If you’ve spent any amount of time reading here, you know that I quite easily fall prey to my emotional...

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  The sun was beginning her creep toward the horizon. It was the time when the earth began to take on the golden glow of the suns rays. It was hot. I think near ninety earlier in the day. Chad and Charlie were in the driveway passing a soccer ball between them. “Dog” the game...

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The Skies

Friday night as we perused the aisles of Walmart (because that’s what cool people do on Friday nights. . . or not), Charlie and Chanelle fell victim to the flashy packaging of the plastic/cellophane kites that were strategically placed in the center of the aisle. Can we buy one? they asked. I looked at the...

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Better Than This

  I walked in the door and found my mom standing with a video camera balanced on her shoulder. I stared at her, feeling confused, until she motioned for me to turn around.  Behind me, in our family room, stood several of my closest friends. All together they yelled, Surprise! Laughter filled the room. I cried because...

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