Category Archives: Personal

Taking the Long Route

It was a Sunday evening in early June when Charlie and I stood staring at an overpacked display of cheap water toys buried in a back aisle of Walmart. Our gaze traveled from water guns to bubbles. From sprinkler type toys to tiny water pistols. And of course the inflatables that I know full well...

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The Ring In The Nose

  You’re letting her put a ring in your nose and lead you any way she wants. Take the ring out of your nose, Summer. This was one of my Dad’s most famous lectures. We called it “The Ring In The Nose”. I’m not sure if my brother and sister were given the pleasure of...

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500 Words

They say it doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you write. Chad says,  write 500 words a day. Period. You don’t need to publish. You just need to write. I look at him and roll my eyes, my defense to most things. The questions always swirl: What do I have to say? Who am...

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Out The Door

  “If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?” Charlie’s question breaks through the sound of music playing from the car speakers. The sun is still low and I squint against the brightness as I drive he and Chanelle to soccer practice. It’s still strange to have him sitting in...

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