One of the greatest joys of this little career path I stumbled into has been sessions like this. I realize that on the outside it appears that I bring my camera, snap the shutter, edit some photos, and everyone moves on with their lives. And maybe, in part, that’s true. But really, it is so...
I feel incredibly fortunate to have stumbled upon a career that puts me in the path of people whom, without my camera, I’m not sure I would ever meet. People who are kind and caring and filled with joy and laughter. People who make the world so much better, just by being who they are....
When I entered college, I entered with feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, doubt, and a shaky foundation. In a day, everything that was so familiar was behind me and I entered a world that was foreign. For me, college did what it was supposed to do–it stretched me, it grew me, it forced me to think...