Category Archives: Family

The “S” Family

I “met” Kate over a year ago, I believe.  It may have been longer or shorter. . . I’m not sure.  She was a reader of my (other) blog, Running Chatter.  You know how social media works–after “meeting” in the blogosphere we became Facebook friends and then Instagram friends and basically that’s like family, right? ...

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The “S” Family

I “met” Kate over a year ago, I believe.  It may have been longer or shorter. . . I’m not sure.  She was a reader of my (other) blog, Running Chatter.  You know how social media works–after “meeting” in the blogosphere we became Facebook friends and then Instagram friends and basically that’s like family, right? ...

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The “B” Family

The “B” Family.  I love them, but really, I just met most of them for the first time.  Morven, the matriarch of the “B” Family, has been a part of my life for nearly 8 years.  She began as my supervisor as I worked toward my independent counseling license, and over time, has become a...

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The “B” Family

The “B” Family.  I love them, but really, I just met most of them for the first time.  Morven, the matriarch of the “B” Family, has been a part of my life for nearly 8 years.  She began as my supervisor as I worked toward my independent counseling license, and over time, has become a...

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