Category Archives: Family

The D-S Family

While in college I was blessed to have a phenomenal group of girlfriends.  I’m not just saying that.  These ladies were the most eclectic group of women I’ve ever had the pleasure to be around.  On paper, our group didn’t make sense.  There isn’t a matchmaker alive that would have pieced our group together.  However,...

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The D-S Family

While in college I was blessed to have a phenomenal group of girlfriends.  I’m not just saying that.  These ladies were the most eclectic group of women I’ve ever had the pleasure to be around.  On paper, our group didn’t make sense.  There isn’t a matchmaker alive that would have pieced our group together.  However,...

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The “K” Family

I would by lying if I said that I wasn’t at all nervous as I drove to photograph the “K” Family.  In fact, I used all my charm and negotiating skills to drag Chad along with me to “assist”.  (Read:  keep me calm.)  I’ll be honest.  I was a bit hesitant when I was asked...

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The “K” Family

I would by lying if I said that I wasn’t at all nervous as I drove to photograph the “K” Family.  In fact, I used all my charm and negotiating skills to drag Chad along with me to “assist”.  (Read:  keep me calm.)  I’ll be honest.  I was a bit hesitant when I was asked...

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