Category Archives: Family

The “H” Family

It doesn’t happen very often.  It’s quite rare, actually.  Rare to be at a loss for words.  Rare to find myself in a position where words just don’t do justice to what I want to say.  This family. . . The “H” Family. . . they are exceptional.  Have you ever met someone an in...

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The “H” Family

It doesn’t happen very often.  It’s quite rare, actually.  Rare to be at a loss for words.  Rare to find myself in a position where words just don’t do justice to what I want to say.  This family. . . The “H” Family. . . they are exceptional.  Have you ever met someone an in...

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The “S” Family

They were gathering to celebrate a birthday.  I asked if there was cake.  No cake, they told me.  We’re having pudding. I dig a family that that makes their own rules.  I enjoyed my brief time with this family.  They were fun, engaging, and open to laughter. I dig a family that laughs.  They are...

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The “S” Family

They were gathering to celebrate a birthday.  I asked if there was cake.  No cake, they told me.  We’re having pudding. I dig a family that that makes their own rules.  I enjoyed my brief time with this family.  They were fun, engaging, and open to laughter. I dig a family that laughs.  They are...

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