Category Archives: Family

The “O” Family

She told me beforehand, “life is always a bit crazy around here”.  She wasn’t lying.  But the way I see things? Crazy. is. beautiful. I met Joni in grad school.  (That seems like a lifetime ago.)  I had a swollen belly with our first baby, and Joni’s littlest grandbaby was, well, a baby.  That baby...

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The “M” Girls

Have you ever met someone, and, as soon as you met them, you were certain that you had known them your entire life?  Like, within a moment of meeting that person you felt as though you have years of history behind you–even if you know there is no history at all?  Have you ever searched...

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The “Y” Family

Oh, this family.  The “Y” Family. I met them about ten years ago.  As soon as I met Lisa, I knew we would be friends.  It was just a feeling, an immediate connection of the soul.  Dare I say, kindred spirit?  Ten years ago the “Y” family was a family of 4.  Now they are...

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The “Y” Family

Oh, this family.  The “Y” Family. I met them about ten years ago.  As soon as I met Lisa, I knew we would be friends.  It was just a feeling, an immediate connection of the soul.  Dare I say, kindred spirit?  Ten years ago the “Y” family was a family of 4.  Now they are...

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