Category Archives: Family

The “A” Family

I have officially begun my second year as “SummerK Photography”.  Having one year under my belt feels good.  As I glide into this new year, I anticipate many more experiences that will stretch me and help me to grow as I continue to wade through this photography journey.  I am beyond excited for this ‘new...

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The “C” Family

I’ll admit it, I’m a bit biased. But these four people?  Well, they are exceptional.  (Of course they are. . . they are my family.)  These are my nieces and nephews.  And let me tell you–they are very, very cool. I don’t see their lovely faces nearly enough.  Not by any means.  But when I do? ...

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The “C” Family

I’ll admit it, I’m a bit biased. But these four people?  Well, they are exceptional.  (Of course they are. . . they are my family.)  These are my nieces and nephews.  And let me tell you–they are very, very cool. I don’t see their lovely faces nearly enough.  Not by any means.  But when I do? ...

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The “O” Family

She told me beforehand, “life is always a bit crazy around here”.  She wasn’t lying.  But the way I see things? Crazy. is. beautiful. I met Joni in grad school.  (That seems like a lifetime ago.)  I had a swollen belly with our first baby, and Joni’s littlest grandbaby was, well, a baby.  That baby...

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