Category Archives: Family

The “H” Family

The “H” Family.  This session was rained out a week prior and this family made the 1.5 hour trek back to the area so we could do the shoot.  The “H” Family are troopers. The “H” girls were as comfortable in front of the camera as, well, my own girls.  The lone boy, however, wanted...

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The “K” Family

I really, really, really enjoyed this family.  Did I say really?  Because I mean really, really.  After being rained out the week before, we were finally able to gather for this session.  The “K” Family were as easy going as they appear in these images.  Fun, easy-going, hilarious, authentic, and connected.  They are the real...

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I loved this session.  Truly, I loved it so much. When the Mama of this fearless little two year old arrived she uttered the words that are music to my ears. . . “Whatever”.  She admitted that she is bad about taking pictures and just wanted to capture her sweet little girl as she is. ...

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The “H” Family

It was during my college years when I first learned about the “H” Family.  They were simple stories shared, from time to time, by my friend and dorm neighbor, Sherri.  Sherri obviously adored her sister and I was over-joyed when I found out I would have the opportunity to capture the “H” Family during this...

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