Category Archives: Family

The “B” Family

The “B” Family was the first family I ever “officially” photographed.  By “official” I mean not family or close friends.  I’m not even sure if I was even calling myself “SummerK” at the time.  I remember talking about that session and telling people that I was going to photograph “acquaintances” from college.  You know how...

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The “M” Girls

I’ve sat for awhile trying to figure out how to begin this blog.  How in the world do I use a few words to introduce you to these beautiful souls?  A paragraph is not enough–in reality, I could write a book. I met Morgan a few years ago and in an instant I felt I...

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The “S” Family

This session was first scheduled at the beginning of December. Then it was scheduled at the end of December. Both were canceled.  Ohio’s winter was anything but ideal for a downtown photo shoot. And then Spring happened.  And life.  And this family?  Well, let’s just say with three active kids, a dull moment never happens....

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The “B” Family

You know the saying?  The one about eyes?  You know the one. . . “windows to the soul”.  Yes.  Yes.  This family has that.  Eyes that say so much.  I’m not sure words are even needed. “B” Family, thank you.  Thank you for you for being sweet, gentle, and kind.  Thank you for letting me...

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