Category Archives: Family

The D-S Family

I love this family.  I love that they come to session with their minds wide open (and an extra set of clothes “just in case”). Anna and Tim were open to anything for this session–even if it meant carrying their boys into the middle of a river for a few fun shots (and some memories...

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The Big “B” Family

Last week I blogged my dear friends The “B” Family. This group, then, is the bigger family. Shall we say, “the rest of them?” My friend Kylee invited me in to photograph grandma and grandpa, cousins, aunts, and uncles, and on and on.  This is not something I do often, but for this crew–how could...

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The “B” Family

On my office wall, directly to my right, hangs a vibrantly colored 8×10 plaque.  The words on the plaque read this:  She decided to start living the life she imagined. The hanging arrived on my doorstep over a year ago at a time when I was seriously considering leaving the job that I was trained...

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The “M” Family

It’s no secret.  I really love my job.  I mean, I really, really love my job.  I love that, for a moment in time, I get to step into another persons world.  I am allowed the opportunity to observe how people interact.  Right before my very eyes I watch little stories unfold.  Stories of love...

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