Category Archives: Family

The “G” Family

Some families have a ‘feel’ about them.  You know, a vibe.  I suppose all families do, really.  This family?  The “G” Family?  They are real. I enjoyed meeting them.  I enjoyed spending time with them. I enjoyed watching the way they so obviously care for one another.  I just enjoyed them–each one of them. And...

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The “H” Family

I feel like I’ve known this family forever.  For my whole entire life. I haven’t, though.  Only a few years.  They are good people who like to have fun.  And, who were willing to trust me when I took them traipsing through a forest for pictures. Anyone who knows them, know its true. . ....

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The “S” Family

I loved this session.  And these people.  And this night. They explored, they laughed, they picked up frogs and grasshoppers and they got dirty.  It was as if I was photographing my own family.  S Family, thank you for the pleasure of spending this evening with you and for keeping every moment real.

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The “M” Family

This lovely family invited me over to grab a few pictures on the rare occasion when they found each other in the same state. They were easy, fun, and quick to laugh–my kind of people. And when one particular 3- year old was not interested in pictures?  They brought a Gator out. Thank you, M-Family,...

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