Category Archives: Family

The “H” Family

I met Sarah years ago when we randomly ended up in the same community and the same home as roommates during our summer break from separate colleges. (Did you get that?) Life is funny isn’t it?  Years later, both of us married, I was excited when our paths crossed again. Through the years, we’ve been...

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The “M” Family

The “M” Family is one of the first families I ever photographed. They were as fun to work with this time as they were the first time. Laid back, kind, sweet, and fun.  Did I mention fun? I adore this family–every last one of them. “M” Family, thank you for a fun experience once again!

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The “D” Family

Such a sweet, kind family. I had met this family only one time before–at a blogger gathering.  We were ‘virtual’ acquaintances thanks to the gifts of social media. I had such a wonderful time meeting them in person, talking with them, and watching them be who they are in front of my camera. They were...

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The “S” Family

I’ve known this family for several years.  Well, in a ‘virtual’ sort of way. You know, we were Facebook, Instagram, social media ‘friends’.  You know how it is with that sort of thing?  You know someone through social media and you have a certain perception about them. Before I met them, I perceived this family...

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