Category Archives: Family

The “L” Family

Every family brings with them their own dynamic, their own relationships, their own story that they have been living for their entire lives. Often, I don’t know who I’m going to meet. The butterflies are always there. The questions, will they be outgoing? Laid back? Nervous? Shy? Will we connect? Every session I have I...

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The “J” Family

As I drove into the “J” Family’s driveway I looked up to see Mom sitting in a chair putting the final touches on a sweet little girls hair. I got out of my car and was greeted with the joyful chatter of a young boy who was eager to show me his most awesome sunglasses....

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The “B” Family

I first met my friend Kylee during college. My first introduction to her happened in a communications class. I only knew her from afar and a simple observation of the short-haired spit-fire she was at the time, made it clear that she was a STRONG woman. Over time, our worlds merged and she was among...

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Lessons From The Road #3 (aka hijacked)

A few times a year my husband hijack’s my blog. He’s been doing it for years on certain days of the year–our Anniversary, my birthday, etc.) Every now and then, I do a little hijacking of the hijacked blog. In the darkness of the night, I steal away with the computer and hijack that which...

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